
CEE: Vocational Counselling Program

I'm working on designing a vocational counselling program which is aimed to help high-school students choosing their career path, in line with their skills, values and motivation.

The Vocational Consunselling Program is aimed to help high school students (16-17 years old) to find more about themselves in order to be able to choose the most suited professional way.

The program lasts for no more than one year and consists in three modules: Module 1 - centered on self awareness and self discovery; Module 2 - centered on practical activities in various fields, based on students' needs; Module 3 - focused on coaching and support for the students.
Although there will be several professionals taking part of the program as teachers (coaches, psychologists, trainers etc.) they will not give solutions to the students, but they will provide the frame and the tools for them to find their motivation and their career path.
Students will benefit of a blended-learning approach (various activities and learning methods: trainings, practice workshops, on-site activities, non-formal tools, online resources etc.).

Kontakt: Matei Popilian, matei.popilian@gmail.com
