
Creating New Perspectives

Unser Angebot

StartHope@Home unterstützt Geflüchtete bei der Entwicklung von beruflichen Perspektiven in ihren Herkunftsländern. Unser Team begleitet Teilnehmer:innen mit individuellen Coachings und sozialpädagogischer Betreuung, um ihre Chancen auf eine nachhaltige, berufliche Wiedereingliederung zu erhöhen.

Wir coachen in Hamburg, Köln, Stuttgart, München und Leipzig.
Nach Absprache ist die Teilnahme auch online und in anderen Regionen möglich.


Die Teilnahme an der Qualifizierung ist kostenlos und richtet sich an geflüchtete Menschen, die an einer Rückkehr in ihr Herkunftsland interessiert sind.

Interessierte aus den folgenden Zielländern können an unserem Programm teilnehmen: Länderliste. Darüber hinaus bieten wir in Einzelfällen unsere Unterstützung auch Interessent:innen an, die aus weiteren Nicht-EU-Staaten stammen.

Mit ARRIVES bieten wir für nigerianische Teilnehmende eine nachhaltige transnationale Gründungsberatung durch die Zusammenarbeit von Coaches in Deutschland und Nigeria.

Inhalte des Programms


  • einen beruflichen Wiedereinstieg durch Qualifikationen zur Selbständigkeit und Entwicklung beruflicher Perspektiven
  • Vermittlung von Kenntnissen im Bereich Marketing, Vertrieb, Finanzen, Präsentation und mehr
  • einen individuellen Lernprozess
  • die Teilnahme setzt keine Anforderungen voraus
  • die Zusammenarbeit erfolgt mit Rückkehrberatungen, Gründungsexpert:innen und Sozialpädagog:innen
  • die Coachings werden in ca. 6-8 Wochen durchlaufen, es sind aber auch kürzere individuelle Lösungen möglich

Teilnehmer:innen berichten:

  • “I like that we have the chance to be prepared how to open and manage a business, I am happy that we have great people trying to give us tips and support about our future. I am attending this to do good steps and good business in the future. I don‘t have any idea how can I open one , and StartHope@Home is a great way to learn.”
    Lovodie, Albanien
    Gründungsidee: Safran Anbau und Export
  • “I acquired enough knowledge here at Starthope@Home and Social impact, so that I am well prepared, to carry out my business. Because from all the different modules I have gotten here - marketing, finance calculation, negotiation, online sales and so on - I am optimistic that the shoe business will grow and achieve the expected goals for which I want to set it up again. And I must confess that Social Impact Lab, Munich really supported me in all totality and in all ramifications.”
    Michael*, Nigeria
    Gründung: Schuhgeschäft
  • “The program and coachings made me improve a lot of positions in my plans, in my thinking and mostly in my calculation. I had calculation in mind before, but now I see it different, I see what is possible and going to work for me. The businessplan helped me to learn how to start from somewhere – how to start with small capital but also how to start with high capital.”
    Felix, Nigeria
    Gründung: Schweißerei
  • “Ich muss euch vielen Dank sagen. Ohne euch könnte ich nicht mein Geschäft eröffnen. Ich arbeite jetzt und ich will meinen Job weiterentwickeln.”
    Mohammed Aljibori, Irak
    Gründung: Wasseraufbearbeitungsanlage
  • “I like that we have the chance to be prepared how to open and manage a business, I am happy that we have great people trying to give us tips and support about our future. I am attending this to do good steps and good business in the future. I don‘t have any idea how can I open a business, but StartHope@Home is a great way to learn.”
    Rezarta, Albanien
    In der Gründungsphase

Unsere aktuellen Projektstandorte

Ihr könnt unsere Ansprechpartner:innen in den verschiedenen Regionen gerne jeder­zeit kontaktieren, via Mail oder Telefon!

Region Köln
Im Mediapark 5
50670 Köln
Frau Karen Peprah-Gyamfi
Tel.: +49 176 1611 3554
E-Mail: peprah@socialimpact.eu

Region Stuttgart
Social Impact Lab Stuttgart c/o Impact Hub Stuttgart
Quellenstraße 7a
70376 Stuttgart
Herr Tarek Bischay
Tel.: +49 176 1611 3545
E-Mail: bischay@socialimpact.eu

Region Hamburg
Social Impact Lab
Pastorenstr. 16-18
20459 Hamburg
Frau Monika Wiedemann
Tel.: +49 176 1111 6193
E-Mail: wiedemann@socialimpact.eu

Region Leipzig
Social Impact Lab
Gottschedstraße 44
04109 Leipzig
Frau Eva Stockbauer-Muhr
Tel.: +49 176 1611 3506
E-Mail: stockbauer-muhr@socialimpact.eu

Region München
Social Impact Lab
Lindwurmstraße 45
80337 München
Frau Monika Wiedemann
Tel.: +49 176 1111 6193
E-Mail: wiedemann@socialimpact.eu

Für alle weiteren Anfragen:
Herr Hadi Alkhouri
Tel: 0176 16 11 35 35
Mail: starthope@socialimpact.eu


Ziad El-Sabbagh (0176/ 16 11 36 06)

Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit:
Luisa Schmitz (0176/16 11 36 08)


Kontaktiere uns

* Pflichtfeld

Creating New Perspectives

Our offer

StartHope@Home supports refugees in creating new professional perspectives in their countries of origin. Our team supports participants with individual coaching and socio-educational support to increase their chances of a sustainable professional reintegration.

We coach in Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart, Munich and Leipzig.
By arrangement, participation is also possible online and in other regions.


The program is free and voluntary for all participants. It is aimed at refugees and migrants who want to return to their country of origin.

Interested parties from the following target countries can participate in our program: country list. In addition, in individual cases we also offer our support to interested parties from other non-EU countries.

With ARRIVES we offer nigerian participants a holistic transnational start-up support through the cooperation of coaches in Germany and Nigeria.

Content of our program

StartHope@Home OFFERS:

  • A professional reintegration through qualifications for self-employment and development of professional perspectives
  • Imparting knowledge in marketing, sales, financing, presentation and more
  • An individual learning process
  • The participation needs no requirements
  • Cooperation takes place with return counselling, start-up experts and social education workers
  • The coaching sessions are completed in about 6-8 weeks, but shorter individual solutions are also possible

Participant report:

  • “I like that we have the chance to be prepared how to open and manage a business, I am happy that we have great people trying to give us tips and support about our future. I am attending this to do good steps and good business in the future. I don‘t have any idea how can I open one , and StartHope@Home is a great way to learn.”
    Lovodie, Albania
    Business idea: cultivation of saffron and export
  • “I acquired enough knowledge here at Starthope@Home and Social impact, so that I am well prepared, to carry out my business. Because from all the different modules I have gotten here - marketing, finance calculation, negotiation, online sales and so on - I am optimistic that the shoe business will grow and achieve the expected goals for which I want to set it up again. And I must confess that Social Impact Lab, Munich really supported me in all totality and in all ramifications.”
    Michael*, Nigeria
    Business idea: shoe store
  • “The program and coachings made me improve a lot of positions in my plans, in my thinking and mostly in my calculation. I had calculation in mind before, but now I see it different, I see what is possible and going to work for me. The businessplan helped me to learn how to start from somewhere – how to start with small capital but also how to start with high capital.”
    Felix, Nigeria
    Business idea: welding shop
  • “Ich muss euch vielen Dank sagen. Ohne euch könnte ich nicht mein Geschäft eröffnen. Ich arbeite jetzt und ich will meinen Job weiterentwickeln.”
    Mohammed Aljibori, Iraq
    Business idea: water treatment plant
  • “I like that we have the chance to be prepared how to open and manage a business, I am happy that we have great people trying to give us tips and support about our future. I am attending this to do good steps and good business in the future. I don‘t have any idea how can I open a business, but StartHope@Home is a great way to learn.”
    Rezarta, Albania
    Foundation phase

Our current project locations

You can contact us in several regions at any time, via email or phone!

Region Cologne
Im Mediapark 5
50670 Köln
Ms. Karen Peprah-Gyamfi
Tel.: +49 176 1611 3554
E-Mail: peprah@socialimpact.eu

Region Stuttgart
Social Impact Lab Stuttgart c/o Impact Hub Stuttgart
Quellenstraße 7a
70376 Stuttgart
Mr. Tarek Bischay
Tel.: +49 176 1611 3545
E-Mail: bischay@socialimpact.eu

Region Hamburg
Social Impact Lab
Pastorenstr. 16-18
20459 Hamburg
Ms. Monika Wiedemann
Tel.: +49 176 1111 6193
E-Mail: wiedemann@socialimpact.eu

Region Leipzig
Social Impact Lab
Gottschedstraße 44
04109 Leipzig
Ms. Eva Stockbauer-Muhr
Tel.: +49 176 1611 3506
E-Mail: stockbauer-muhr@socialimpact.eu

Region Munich
Social Impact Lab
Lindwurmstraße 45
80337 Munich
Ms. Monika Wiedemann
Tel.: +49 176 1111 6193
E-Mail: wiedemann@socialimpact.eu

For all further requests
Mr. Hadi Alkhouri
Tel: 0049 (0) 176 16 113 535
Mail: starthope@socialimpact.eu


Ziad El-Sabbagh (0176/ 16 11 36 06)

Communication and public relations:
Luisa Schmitz (0176/16 11 36 08)


Contact us

* Pflichtfeld